Jumat, 25 Desember 2009


I’m loud.
I’m obnoxious.
I’m sarcastic.
I’m cocky.
I cry easily.
I have a bad temper.
For the most part, I don’t like people.
I’m easy to get along with.
I like to fight.
I have more enemies than friends.
I’ve smoked.
I’ve smoked weed.
I drink coffee.
I clean my room daily.

My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5.
I wear makeup
I wear a piece of jewelery at all times.
I wear contacts.
I wear glasses.
I’ve had braces.
I have braces.
I change my hair color often.
I straighten my hair often.
My ears are pierced.
I have small feet.

I’m in a relationship now.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’ve missed an ex before.
I’m always scared of being hurt.
An ex has physically abused me at least once.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve been in love more than two times.
I believe in love at first sight.
I believe lust is more important than love.

I have a best friend.
I have at least ten friends.
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.

I’ve beaten up a friend. (its normal,love)
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.

I’ve been on a train.
I’ve left the state/province.

Someone close to me has died.
I’ve taken a taxi.
I’ve taken a city bus.

I’ve taken a school bus.
I’ve gone bungee jumping.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
I’ve won an award.
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
I’ve been in a physical fight.

I listen to country.
I listen to pop.
I listen to techno.
I listen to rock.
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it.
I hate the radio.
I download music.
I buy CD’s.

I spend at least six hours a day watching television.
I watch soap operas daily.
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives.
I’ve seen and like The OC.
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill.
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model.
I’ve seen and like Popular.
I’ve seen and like House.
I’ve seen and like 24.
I’ve seen and like CSI.
I’ve seen and like Everwood.

Family Life
I get along with both of my parents.
My biological parents are still together.
I have at least one brother.
I have at least one sister.
I have at least one step brother/sister.
I have at least one half brother/sister.
I’ve been kicked out of the house.
I’ve ran away from my home.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve made my parents cry.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded.

I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
I’ve been blonde.
I’ve had black.
I’ve been red. (very light)
I’ve been light brown.
I’ve been medium brown.
I’ve been brown.
I’ve had streaks.
I’ve had purple/pink.
I’ve been blue/green.
I’ve gotten my hair thinned.
I use conditioner.
I’ve used silk therapy.
I’ve used hot oil treatments.
I’ve curled my hair.
I’ve straightened my hair.
I’ve ironed my hair.
I’ve braided my hair.
I’ve had/want dreadlocks.

I’ve thrown something at a teacher.
I’ve yelled at a teacher.
I’ve been suspended.
I’ve had an in-school suspension.
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office.
I’ve walked out of class.
I’ve skipped an entire day of school.
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
I’ve failed a test.
I’ve cheated on a test.
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
I’ve failed Art.
I’ve failed P.E.
I’ve failed Math.
I’ve failed Science.
A teacher has called my parents.
I’ve been caught skipping.
I’ve been on the honor roll.
I’ve been on effort honor roll.

"A heart is not a play thing is not a toy, But if you want it broken, just give it to a boy.

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

i miss you so much

Engga tau mau ngomong apa eh ngetik!
rapot gue bad!
cowo gue so BAD!

Gue cuma mau share ajaa! cuma sama siapa?
pacar gue?
dia sekarang engga tau dimana,udah sering kok gue diginiin,engga dikasih kabar! itu biasa!
udah sering!

Sekarang gue kangen jaman jamannya gue masih 1 bulanan sama diaaaaaaaa,dia masih mau kalo gue kasih tau! setiap pagi pasti dia sms gue,terus kalo saur pasti dia nelfon gue sampe pagi! terus suka bukber,gue kangen itu semuaaaaaaaa! tapi sekarang nothing!

engga ada arief yang kalo nelfon gue suka sambil main gitar
engga ada arief yang kalo jemput gue selalu tepat waktu!
engga ada arief yang bilang gue kebo setiap pagi!

dia berubah banget sekarang! jadi cowo yang keras! yang kasar! yang sukanya marah marah!
sekarang ujan,dia engga tau dimana,hari ini jam 5 sore dia blm ngasih gue kabar,gue udah nannya ke tmn tmn nongkrong nyaa tp engga ada dia disana,bahkan gue liat sendiri dan engga ada!
nannya sama anak anak band nya jug engga ada,

gue engga tau harus gimana laggi! udah pusing,engga tau ujan ujan gini dia ada dimana!

oh god im really really miss him!
and im still waiting :""(


Waiting for your call, I'm sick
call, I'm angry
call, I'm desperate for your voice.
I'm listening to the song we used to sing in the car.
Do you remember, butterfly, early summer?
It's playing on repeat...
Just like when we would meet.

'Cause I was born to tell you I love you,
and I am torn to do what I have to,
to make you mine.
Stay with me tonight.

Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh.
I am feeling so ambitious; you and me, flesh to flesh.
Because every breath that you will take
while you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes.
What's your fantasy?
What's your, what's your, what's your, what's your...

'Cause I was born to tell you I love you,
and I am torn to do what I have to,
to make you mine.
Stay with me tonight.

And I'm tired of being all alone,
and this solitary moment
makes me want to come back home.
( I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have.)

'Cause I was born to tell you I love you,
and I am torn to do what I have to,
'Cause I was born to tell you I love you,
and I am torn to do what I have to,
to make you mine.
Stay with me tonight

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009



Kayanya blog gue sekarang cuma jadi tempat pelampiasan bosan saja deh,tapi sekarang gue engga lagi bosen,tapi kesal!!

Hari ini karna udah selesai remedial semua jadi pulang cepet gue ke sekolah cima untuk remed pkn dan sosiologi doang abis itu go back ke mcd buaran,terus nemenin pacarrrr TERSAYANG latihan band di moods,karna gue laper kan gue minta anterin ke mcd,yaudah ada manda kan tuh,dia ninggalin gue ke cd,katanya ngga enak kalo ngga setor muka,yaudah kan tuh gue iyain aja makanlah gue di mcd,kan si manda nungguin imron dateng soalnya dia mau balik bareng imron,yaudah imron dateng si bopeng dateng,tapi malah berdua yogi naik motor nyaaaaa,abis
gue selesai makan kan gue nyuruh dia balik ambil motor di 255,SKIPSKIPSKIP gue disuruh nunggu lamaa sendirian pula! dateng dateng dia malah marah marah! ah pokonya nyebelin banget bangetaaaaaaaaaan!

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009


HEY,udah lama banget yaa gue engga nge post,yap,gue udah mulai lupa sama blog ini,hehe..
eh,eh,eh gue doong udah 4 bulan sama bofyeeeeeeengg wihihihi :)

i have a new baby cat looohh ada 2,tapi yang gue punya foto nya cuma satuuu
namanya ciki,haha.. yang satu lagi namanya ciko,warna nya hitam,putihh...

eh eh eh sebentar lagi new year looooh, tinggal menghitung hari (halah)
Tapi gue belum ada rencana mau kemana,maunya si kalo ga ke Singapore,Bali..
kalo engga mau new year bareng sama temen temen aja paliingg -,-